Bestia (game)



Bestia is an Italian card game. It is a gambling game and is similar to Briscola and Tressette. The word ''bestia'' means beast. The game of the Beast was invented in France in the eighteenth century. It is described in the book ''"Académie Universelle des Jeux"'' - Paris 1739,The Académie Universelle des Jeux is a collection of rules of various games. Its first edition was printed in 1725 and the last in 2008. which is available online, at pages. 255 et seq. The first mention of Bestia comes from Italian Raffaele Bisteghi, in his play "The practical", Bologna 1753. The eighteenth century version was somewhat different from today's version.


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Rules of Bestia
18th-century card games Italian card games Rams group {{card-game-stub